Saturday, 19 November 2011

Hostel (film review)


Hostel might just be the most disturbing, Graphic mainstream film ever realised into Cinemas. Very rare do we find a film like this playing in more than 2000+ Cinemas in America and too have a gigantic Box-Office opening of 19 million dollars.
Hostel is indeed a film that makes you feel extremely uncomfortable due to it being based around nothing but explicit torture most of the time. But it’s surely one of the better films by Eli Roth even though my opinion is kind of the same as it was maybe 5 years ago.

While backpacking through Europe, college students Paxton and Josh seek the ultimate vacation through sex, drugs and unforgettable experiences. When a friendly stranger informs the two of a hostel in Bratislava that offers the most beautiful and promiscuous women in all of Europe, Paxton and Derek trek with their new Icelandic friend Oli to find the hostel that sounds too good to be true. When arriving to Bratislava, the trio found that the hostel was everything and more of what they expected.
But little do they know, Sick sadistic people of a hunting club pay to torture Tourists to death

The Story? My thoughts? I don’t consider the Film or Story to be ‘A’ grade stuff… To get me wrong, it’s full of Suspense that will almost kill you, Some intriguing stuff that happens (I couldn’t picture the film any other way). But on the bases of me, I’m not the biggest fan of torture related film but Hostel can be somewhat on an exception… But least it’s never boring.
I mostly see Hostel as a tribute to Japanese horror films

The acting is decent, We have nationals from all over the world speaking their own native language - English, Japanese, Czech, German, Icelandic, Dutch, Russian, Slovak – but this is also the problem. A – Subtitles aren’t included and it makes you ask “What the fuck is going on?” B- Eli Roth direction on these scenes is poor likely due to the fact none of his crew spoke their language.

The Direction is alright, I don’t care for Roth as a director but he did an alright job. The special Effects are just WTF. Don’t get me started on some of the shit that happens this that will always make everyone’s “Most disturbing Films every made.  
Here are some facts I found

Over 150 gallons of blood were used in the making of the movie, nearly three times the amount used on Eli Roth's first film Cabin Fever.

Eli Roth wrote the role of Oli for Eythor Gudjonsson after he met him doing press for Cabin Fever in Iceland. Roth was so taken with Eythor's charisma and charm, he promised he'd make put him in a movie one day. Eythor was surprised when he saw that Roth had followed through with his promise, and happily accepted the role.

The #1 Scariest Movie of All Time on Bravo's TV Special "100 Scariest Movie Moments: Even Scarier Moments."

Eli Roth wanted to have the world premiere of the finished film at the 2005 Iceland Film Festival. During the festival, Roth and Quentin Tarantino were made honorary Vikings at Viking Village, in a ceremony arranged by Eythor Gudjonsson. Roth's Icelandic name is Eli Sheldonsson, and Tarantino's Icelandic name is Quentin Conniesson.

Overall I liked it – But oh god there is a 2nd and 3rd… But again not the biggest fan of torture flicks so I will give it a 60%

Jesse’s Hostel score 65 – 100%


  1. I haven't seen this film, which is probably why i can't see this film ranking at number 1 in a scariest movies list. Grossest, Bloodiest, Goriest, I expect those lists, but scary? I can't picture that. anyways, great review, and there's a 3rd one?

  2. The 3rd is getting a direct to DVD raelese next month. Though Not scary just really disturbing

  3. It's an OK movie. I could "take" the violence, if just barely, and Roth seems like he was trying to say something; but not loud enough. Good review though.

  4. Ja Weihnachten ist so ein schönes Fest! *-*
    What's going on with you? Why didn't you write long time?
    Thank you! :D Yeah I'm loving the Decora-kei. It's so cute and it makes me happy when I'm sad ;3

  5. Weihnachten ist erst am 24.12., trotzdem danke :D
    When is christmas in your country?
    I understand you. Really! Me too. I'm under pressure at school. It is so hard... :3
